Looking forward to this. I told myself I would not--could not--subscribe to more Substacks, but what is one more, right?

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Hihi, so true. Also, this one is a kind of experiment on many levels in terms of themes, figuring out stuff, and, of course, looking at postcards together.

Welcome, by the way.

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Feeling the same. So many Substacks to read. But then.....postcards from the 20th century? Yes! Where in Norway are you located, Stephan?

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Hehe, so true--I'll try to keep the text manageable!

I'm an associate professor of history at the U of Bergen, Norway, so, if you're in the area, let me know!

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I'm to the south, near Gothenburg. Will do!

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So, rather Sweden?

I do have a bunch of Swedish and Danish postcards, too, and if you'd like me to look for specific locations, let me know!

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You too: I have the great privilege of being a professional historian. Well I'm not professional, but it is an interest thing. I like to collect information on the basis that information is knowledge and knowledge is knowing what others don't. I catalog my digital eBooks by the date when an event occurred, so while libraries file books under a history reference and they are all jumbled under that reference, mine are all in historical date order that a battle or whatever of historical interest occurred, they are all in English and put up free on the internet, so I don't inquire into the legality of any of it and I have thousands of history eBooks on a 2TB hard drive, which is getting quite full now.

I also used to collect ships plans and tanks, aircraft and what have you, from the first published plans in paper technical journals I had access to in my country of residence but which were held in library archives where a photocopier became my tool to record the wonderful plans I found inside and which I took home and catalogued, before computers and the internet of course and I have thousands of paper copies of each of those too in lever arch files. I used to construct detail scale large models in paper and card, ships which I used to play with on the water by radio control after coating the finished hull with the stuff made from insects shells, can't remember the name of the stuff but it had a Turpentine base - ah Shellac., but later varnish did the trick. Time passes and things change and I don't do that building technique anymore. Probably my pleasure with computers and the internet took over - got about 8 windows PC's now and umpteen monitors each one bigger than the last, give oldies away to anyone who wants them, starting off on the internet.

I have an interest in digital Polish, Russian, German, etc Card Kits - paper kits you might call them and I have thousands of those too, all catalogued by name specific to what they are, aircraft, ships, tractors, trucks, buses, buildings and what have you, all digital, again approaching 2TB for them too and eBooks on the actual vehicles or whatever as well, all catalogued in date order - my computers automatically sort by name A-Z so that makes cataloging them so much easier and I don't use a professional recording software program for that reason.

I was collecting early digital Maps as well at one time, the maps dating back to C.1000 or earlier, don't see them anymore, freebies, so don't now.

Can't imagine what will happen to it all when I die - probably all get sold on online overseas also, auctions - my estate going to Doctors Without Borders - Medicines Sans Frontiers as the French call it, give back what I was fortunate to get in my lifetime,the best possible way I can, leaving no dependents and all that.

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That sounds like a nice hobby; well, more than one. Most people, it seems, lack even interest in anything, i.e., the step before having a hobby. The ship-making part sounds fascinating!

I'll see what I can do about the military side of things; I know my grandfather has a separate category entitled 'war', but we'll find out together what's in there.

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So do you sell rare books and you are a dealer. I thought you might have originated from Germany and I was going to ask which side, East or West, but I see your offices are in America, so I'm a bit confused there - in what capacity are we communicating, business or pleasure?

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Well, I don't sell rare books (I rather buy them), and while I was born in Austria, I've spent most of my career abroad, first in Switzerland and then in Norway, interspersed by a stint in the US.

I'm doing this as a 'spare time' activity related to me bringing the postcard collection to my workplace in Norway, and while I will write a book based on these postcards, I'll write this blog to share my process and, of course, the postcards.

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Thanks for the feedback - I collect digital books now because the actual paper books take up too much space. I was born in England and left there when I was 24 in 1971 to seek my future abroad, I prefer not to say where, because I have a habit of punching our Politicians on the nose literally speaking. I don't suppose they even know who I am, but it is how it is. Your post cards will be interesting to see and I await looking at them with pleasure.

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