Mystical Egypt: The Marvellous Sights of the Giza Plateau
The pyramids and the sphinx as they were before the 1960s
I’m beginning to develop a kind of soft spot for places I’ve never been and, likely, will never end up going to, such as the postcards I have from Giza, Egypt.
I simply like the above postcard with the camel ‘chilling’ in front of the pyramids and the Sphinx. Below, I’m posting four more such postcards, all of them in black/white and hence from before the later 1960s, I suppose. While all were, in fact, mailed, most of them sadly don’t have visible dates…
Except for this one, which is dated 20 Aug. 1954.
Also, I’m not an archaeologist, and I’m not getting into any discussions about certain things, such as how they were constructed, how old they are, or Stargates (for that matter). If you’re interested in these matters, Wikipedia has some more images and the current knowledge on these topics.
There’s also a somewhat damaged postcard (below), with yet another camel (plus a rider):
Penultimately, here’s a close-up of the Sphinx, likely in the 1950s, and I understand it looks quite…different today.
And just like that—I’ll add one more postcard with no photograph but a reproduction of a painting, which was sent to my grand-aunt: enjoy!
I’ll add some more recent postcards (i.e., from the 1970s) in a subsequent posting.
Not seen the pyramids but I've ridden a (very smelly) camel and part taken in sweet, mint tea, at an oasis, somewhere on outskirts of Sharm el Sheikh, authentic bedouin tent, of course!
It’s amazing how much (the money from) tourism changes things Lol