It isn't the young girls and young men who need to learn. It is all people who need to become enlightened that the other country and the other party is not their enemy and cease to vote for politicians who keep the war machines going, cease to hate, cease to boast and to blame, cease to rehearse old hatreds, begin to turn to God and true religion, to the God of each person's own unique understanding.
Evil is real and can not be explained away or wished away.
On Oct 7th, 2023, protesters against the State of Israel were holding signs in Times Square, celebrating the atrocities, stating "Whatever it Takes". On 9/11 they were dancing with joy.
Evil is real and cannot be explained away. To fight for the survival of your family or your nation is not evil but the world wars and the endless U.S. wars abroad are not for survival. They are acts of madmen and foolish ignorant followers.
"By their fruits ye shall know them".
See The Gospel according to Matthew chapter 7:16-20
Okay, I am amazed by these. I had no idea that postcards were made with war scenes. Wow.
Well, I can assure you--that you ain't seen nothin' yet.
Marlene Dietrich sang this with so much emotion yet with total control of her voice.
It isn't the young girls and young men who need to learn. It is all people who need to become enlightened that the other country and the other party is not their enemy and cease to vote for politicians who keep the war machines going, cease to hate, cease to boast and to blame, cease to rehearse old hatreds, begin to turn to God and true religion, to the God of each person's own unique understanding.
Evil is real and can not be explained away or wished away.
On Oct 7th, 2023, protesters against the State of Israel were holding signs in Times Square, celebrating the atrocities, stating "Whatever it Takes". On 9/11 they were dancing with joy.
Evil is real and cannot be explained away. To fight for the survival of your family or your nation is not evil but the world wars and the endless U.S. wars abroad are not for survival. They are acts of madmen and foolish ignorant followers.
"By their fruits ye shall know them".
See The Gospel according to Matthew chapter 7:16-20
"Evil is real and can not be explained away or wished away."
That is the essence of humanity: a constant struggle between good and evil--within each and every person.