Thank you so much for these. Wonderful - although I admit...when I clicked on the link for modern 'architecture' I had to quickly close it in revulsion.
Australia has the most revolting public 'art' in the world. It is demonic and designed to demoralise. When I was in Italy I would have to stifle out cries of excitement at every turn - it was a revelation on every street corner.
The Olympic torch thing always amuses me, seeing that it was invented by a certain Leni R. for the games in 1936.
Thank you for pointing out this aspect, which I've now added!
Thank you so much for these. Wonderful - although I admit...when I clicked on the link for modern 'architecture' I had to quickly close it in revulsion.
Well, don't you see that kind of far-from-edifying "architecture" all around you? Sadly, it's everywhere.
Australia has the most revolting public 'art' in the world. It is demonic and designed to demoralise. When I was in Italy I would have to stifle out cries of excitement at every turn - it was a revelation on every street corner.
Or in France, perhaps: